Visual Research Process: Review and Assignments

Zemni independent animation voice:
final review and analysis

Assignment 1 : Research Proposal

Annotated Research Proposal from 2019 with subsequent changes

Original Assignment responses
as sent to my tutor with some WordPress formatting updates

Assignment 2:
‘Creative translation’ Developing the Framework

Empowerment and development are highly contested concepts, requiring participation and negotiation of diverse interests and conflicting power positions. 

I propose a ‘bricolage’ approach to theory and methodology that enables multiple ‘creative translations’ of community voices to provoke questioning and change in different audiences. See:


The frameworks and readings in Assignment 2 were revisited, leading to further thinking, reading and refinement at each of the subsequent stages and brought together in Assignment 5, drawing out the wider implications for participatory creative translation processes.

Assignment 3 :
Gathering Data: Community Voices and Animation Approaches

My visual research starts by developing a ‘bricolage repertoire’ of ideas and inspiration for ‘the possible’ in my own creative translation: See:

My visual research starts by developing a ‘bricolage repertoire’ of ideas and inspiration for ‘the possible’ in my own creative translation: See:

Made with Padlet

Assignment 4:
A Working Draft: Making LInes Talk

I review and consolidate the research on animation approaches and principles, applying these strategies and skills to produce a set of alternative short animated wordless ‘creative translations’ from community drawings and other contextual resources that could visually communicate across language and education barriers.

I apply these strategies and skills to produce a set of alternative short animated wordless ‘creative translations’ from community drawings and other contextual resources. See:

Final version of work on animation strategies from Assignment 4 with padlet links.

Assignment 5:
Experimental Portfolio and final review

Blog page with links to Portfolio animations and supporting links.